BLV mgn Cube
3D Printer
Hi, my name is Ben Levi and This is BLV mgn Cube - an open-source 3D printer project. building your own good and reliable 3D printer is the main purpose of this project. Basically, it's an open front structure CoreXY 3D printer, based on
mgn linear rails for maximum accuracy, efficiency
and high print quality.

Replace your 3D printed parts with Aluminum parts
New improved frame
20 minutes Assembly!
Fast, reliable, accurate
The linear bearing and Delrin Wheel Gantry are commonly used at most of the low-mid 3d printers as a cheaper solution for linear motion. Well, yeah… it's cheaper; but at the expense of accuracy and reliability. Linear guided rails (MGN rails) increase the overall rigidity, precision and are much smoother than linear bearing or Delrin. Reducing print time without compromising on print quality. There seems to be a good reason why they are commonly found in high-end 3D printers. So, when I found cheap Chinese MGN rails at Aliexpress, I thought to myself why not?
Rigid open structure
I focused my efforts on designing an open front structure that will be rigid as a cubic structure but will also allow easy access to your build plate and prints. The design includes a front belt tensioner to make it even more convenient. It came after spending tons of hours of software simulations and physical stress tests.
All the parts are easy to source, print or craft. You will not find in the BOM a specially machined expensive CNC parts or parts that are hard to get - and if you do it will be surprisingly cheap. Most of the parts are printed or can be bought online / locally. Notice that you can use your own electronics - as long as you have the knowledge to adjust the FW to the build.
Open Source
You don't need to ask for the original CAD files, since I already included them inside the project folder. I admire this community and believe that sharing is the main key in order to make this project even better. Feel free to download the CAD files (Step file) and modify, add, remix or improve it as you like. I would appreciate it if you could share it with this awesome community and mark the remixed parts as "remixed", linked to this project page.
Build and print
I spent many hours adjusting the Firmware to this 3D printer and fine-tuning the best slicing profile (in Simplify3D) for it. After building this printer you will only need to upload the config files, load your slicing profile and you are good to go.
More modular
The design is more flexible than you think. The printed parts and structure are designed to be modular. Both the Z height of the printer and the build plate can be increased in size. All you need to purchase is a bigger aluminum profile and MGN rails. The provided CAD file will assist you to calculate the right measurements for your customized "BLV MGN Cube" 3D printer.
Easy to build?
To be honest, the installation of the rails will take 70% of the build time. you will have to be accurate and spend a few hours aligning the rails, but boy.. the joy you will feel when it prints, will be worth every minute you spent installing them. To make it easy on you, I made instructive 3D animation videos, Information PDF, sketches and measurements.
balanced budget
The cost was important, therefore the BOM is balanced to give you the best money-value ratio, without compromising on quality. You will find the best 32bit board a 3D printer can have. Excellent stepper motors, sensors etc. You choose if you want to have a 5" PanelDue touch screen or save 80$ and use your smatphone or Tablet screen without losing any features.
Support Reprap and Klipper Firmware!!
Input Shaper - Klipper
Super fast printing: 9000Acc, 500mm/s - KLIPPER FW.
Efficient cooling system
SuperSlicer full profile + Simplify3D slicing profile
Hepa/Carbon air scrubber
Rigid Aluminum Open front frame
Option for Dual extrusion
Front belts tensioner
Mesh Auto-Leveling
Internal LED light
Blind Joints frame - Fast assembly!
Many community remixes and upgrades
Linear rails MGN12H for high accuracy
Full Firmware configs included !
High resolution X/Y stepper motors
Bed: 300 X 300, Height: 365/465/565mm
DuetWifi / Duet 3 / Fysetc spider v2.2 (klipper)
Support HV5160 High voltage 48V drivers
Full web interface via Smartphone/Tablet/desktop
Electronics at the back
Clean and elegant design
CNC aluminium machined parts - Metal kit
open-source design cad file is available
Triple Z - true bed leveling !
Huge community
300mm X 300mm
350mm X 350mm (custom)