BLV mgn Cube
3D Printer
Hi, my name is Ben Levi and This is BLV mgn Cube - an open-source 3D printer project. building your own good and reliable 3D printer is the main purpose of this project. Basically, it's an open front structure CoreXY 3D printer, based on
mgn linear rails for maximum accuracy, efficiency
and high print quality.

Well done, at the stage you should have all the parts needed to build the printer. This is the most exciting stage and it's requires extra attention. for this stage, you should have tools at hand.
It is highly recommended to prepare the following tools:
Set of torque screwdrivers
Aluminium 90 Degree Clamps - squaring tool
At this point, all the parts need- assembling the printer. In the past, the assembly was relatively long, but with the new upgrades, it has become shorter and easier than ever. The New Blind Joints frame saves up to 70% of the time and The Metal kit save ton of printing hours and much easier installation. The following steps will help you in building whether you have the upgrades or not. Please note, I am currently working on a detailed step-by-step guide that will be available in the future and will be based on the FYSETC kit and the METAL KIT kit..
Step by Step Guides
Choose your BLV mgn Cube guide
At this point, you have the option to choose which of the guides to choose.
The original project guide which is divided into several parts and also covers the FYSETC kit. Integrated explanations and videos.
An excellent step-by-step guide which shows in detail each step and how to assemble each component. The guide was written by a very talented person I appreciate
Continue to the next step
Assembling the metal kit or 3D printed parts?
There is a big difference between assembling the 3D printed parts and assembling the Metal Kit. Please follow the instructions according to your choice.
3D printed parts assembly
The next step is for those who have the metal kit. Please click on the next button, to go to the 3d printed parts section
METAL KIT Assembly
Please sort all the parts of the kit you received, separate the various screw bolts, washers and bearings.
At this point your frame should already be fully assembled and ready to receive the kit parts.
I have made for you 3D videos which show you how to install all the metal kit parts on the printer.
Please follow the instructions and try to be precise.
Left X mount - assembly video
please use only the plates with the "L" mark
on them. Do not use plates with "R" marking.
Right X mount - assembly video
please use only the plates with the "R" mark
on them. Do not use plates with "L" marking.
Left rear corner - assembly video
Please pat attention to the Length of
the motor Standoff.
Right rear corner - assembly video
Please pat attention to the Length of
the motor Standoff.
Left Tensioner - assembly video
Please make sure to use only parts with
an "L" or "Left" marking.
Right Tensioner - assembly video
Please make sure to use only parts with
an "R" or "Right" marking.
Z Motor mount - assembly video
Z Top mount - assembly video
X Carriage - assembly video
please min that the Belts locker is experimental. I personally prefer using a zip tie instead.
Before completing the Hotend assembly, it is recommended to stop, then assemble the belt as will be explained in the following steps and then return here to complete the Hotend assembly.
BLV mgn Cube assembly with 3D printed Parts
Choose your assembly guide
Until a while ago, there was only one guide and it consisted of animated videos and written text.
Recently, FYSETC store released a series of step-by-step videos, guiding you thru all the steps and showing in detail how to assemble the entire BLV mgn Cube 3D printer including the frame, electronics, mechanics, printed parts - in short, everything! They did an amazing job and I highly recommend watching the videos - even if you have the metal parts.
You can still see the old original guide too..
improved step by step video guide - provided by FYSETC.
Full frame assembly
showing you how to assemble the Blind joints frame
Video guide step 1
Video guide step 2
Video guide step 3
Video guide step 4
Video guide step 5
Video guide step 6
final - Video guide step 7
HUGE appreciation to the wonderful guys from FYSETC store who worked very hard to create this wonderful step-by-step video guide. Thank you guys!
The Original BLV mgn Cube Assembly Guide
Main Frame
The first stage will be the main 3d printer frame.
It is highly recommended at this stage to prepare all the necessary tools near you and the aluminium extrusion.
in addition to the necessary tools, please use the printed installation Jig (Jig_Main.stl) which will help you install the extrusions exactly at the right place, It is recommended to print two units of it.
Below you will see two drawings and a 3D picture that allow you to understand where each profile should be installed as part of the mainframe. Click on the picture to enlarge or download. Please measure each profile individually and sort them by length, this will make the installation process easier for you.
If you are using the new Blind Joints frame, please watch the following video, If not please skip to the next step.
Blind Joints Frame
This video made by the awsome guys from FYSETC company - will guide and show you how exctely to assemble your BLV mgn Cube Blind joints frame. I highly recommend watching the video and paying attention to each and every step. It was filmed in a way that would be easy for any user to the assemble his own Blind joints frame. Please note, it is clear that in this video they used the framework of the blind joints that can be found in the Fysetc kit, so if you have other kits, there may be some changes.
If you Don't know what a Blind joints frame is, check this short video :)
I attached a video of a community member named Harel, who shared on Youtube a video showing the new Blind Joints frame assembly, the video demonstrates how simple the new frame assembly is and how to do it, using only the Allen key:
The Original BLV mgn Cube frame
The Following video is actually the original frame assembly video of the project, showing the entire original frame assembly process (not the Blind Joints frame) without shortcuts:
mind that due to some limitations, the video isn't showing the brackets and how to fix the extrustions to each other. all of the frame extrustions being held using the brackets as you can see in the image below:

BLV mgn Cube - Frame Overview
Here you can watch a 3D video tour, showing you the BLV mgn Cube 3d printer original frame with all the brackets.
Explore the BLV mgn Cube Frame using This amazing 3D viewer!
In addition to all these assembly videos and drawings, I have prepared for you a 3D model that you can use. This is a very convenient tool that allows you to explore the BLV mgn Cube frame in a 3D virtual platform, measure and understand the frame - without installing any 3D software.
The Original BLV mgn Cube Assembly Guide
Original BLV mgn Cube Assembly
Please sort all the parts of the kit you received, separate the various screw bolts, washers and bearings.
At this point your frame should already be fully assembled and ready to receive the kit parts.
I have made for you 3D videos which show you how to install all the metal kit parts on the printer.
Please follow the instructions and try to be precise.
Belt System
This little xection is important to everyone, no matter if you have the Metal Kit or the 3d printed parts. The picture shows the belts configuration and how they should be installed in the 3d printer. Note, the only difference in the metal kit is - you will use 0.6mm washers for the Metal Kit as the assembly video shows.

Please flip the belts on the rear, so that only the Belt's flat side will touch the bearings:

Front Belts tensioner assembly
This video will guide you on how to install the two front thrillers. Be careful not to cut the belt while putting it in place. Also, most parts have markings. The letter R means - right. The letter L means left.
click to enlarge the picture

Y Axis assembly video
Installation of all Y-axis parts. Please smooth as possible areas where the bearings will be installed. Also, pay attention to the markings on the parts.
Z AXIS assembly video
Video explaining the Z-axis installation process. It is recommended to use a tape to prevent the mgn12 carriage from getting out while installing the linear rails.

Front Panels assembly video
Please pat attention to the Length of
the motor Standoff.

Rear corners Assembly
These assemblies are relatively simple. Unfortunately during making the assembly video the software crashed few times. So I had to settle for the above drawing. The screws for all the bearings are 35mm long. In the drawing you will find exactly where to use ech screw. The belt system from the previous section has a 3d picture showing the bearings location. I hope in the future all the kits will come with a metal kit which is easy to install and takes less than 5 minutes.

The original BLV mgn Cube had a Bowden and a Direct Drive option officially.
The Metal Kit has a Bowden option with Twin blowers and as a direct drive it has a Biqu H2 and Matrix setups.
But that's not all... Actually, the amazing community behind the BLV project has created a huge variety of hotends for all the versions. a variety of shapes and features that can even be customsied, You will find even a Tool changer!!!.
I highly recommend going into the community section and choose the Hotends version which suit your needs.
I have added here a few versions of the BLV hotend, it will help you assemble you hotends and find the exact autolevling coardinates too.

Community Remixes
The whole essence of the project is for the benefit of the 3D community, so it is no surprise that you could find the best solutions for you within the community itself.
There are a huge variety of upgrades, remixes, innovations and new features for the BLV project, that you might like.
I have gathered the all best in one place especially for you, feel free to explore the community section and choose the most suitable remix for you.
Optional components
Reinforcement for bigger Z builds
I highly recommend to anyone who plans to build a larger Z Height than the standard size to add a 496mm reinforcing Extrusion at the top - just below the front tension as shown in the pictures below. It will maintain a stable frame even when it comes to a height z build.

AIR SCRUBBERS: HEPA + Activated Carbon
The project has two types of air purifiers: small and large. As is well known, during the printing process, particles are emitted into the air that we may breathe. There is a good chance that it is correct to filter them with the help of these filters.

Note that the fan should be installed in such a way that the polluted air is thrown onto the filter. The air passes first through the activated carbon filter and only then through the HEPA filter.

It is recommended to check the filters once a month and replace them if necessary.
Magnetic Heated Bed
The most recommended bed is an aluminum MIC6 bed with an AC heating silicone mat. However, there are 2 problems:
high price - the mic6 aluminum plate is relatively expensive as the heating silicone element.
The danger of electric shock if not installed properly.
Therefore, the safest option is 24V heating surfaces, although they are slower than AC heating but safe to use.
The FYSETC kit comes with a magnetic heating bed made of aluminum with a Buildtak like glass surface on it. the glass is a flat surface and easy to handle while printing.
The original BluRolls kit comes with a PCB bed that I less recommended because it tends to warp at high temperatures.
I suggest sending him a message in private and request to replace the PCB heated bed with his upgraded magnetic metal bed.
These are pictures I took from the FYSETC kit - check my FYSTEC Kit Unboxing

You can also get the bed from the official BOM. The magnetic surface must be installed it exactly order as shown in the picture.
After a long time using the LED strip to illuminate the printing area, I wondered how I could make the LEDs sexier, hidden, and without having to print parts. Also, I was tired of seeing uneven light shining from the diffuser due to the large distance between each LED and LED. So I started researching again and finally came up with another type of LED that more suitable for the BLV mgn Cube 3d printer - COB LED STRIP.
In COB Strip the light-emitting diodes are much smaller than the standard LED strip, which allows a larger amount of light-emitting diodes to be inserted into the strip. In a standard LED strip you will find about 60 LEDs per meter, whereas in COB you will find 360 LEDs per meter. This is 6x times more than a standard strip. This advantage makes it possible to create a uniform light diffusion. Another advantage is the fact that it's manufactured so that the LEDs have a layer of silicone that acts as a diffuser and helps to evenly distribute the light.
Also, using a smaller size diode allows the strip to be narrower. I chose an 8mm width. This allowed me to insert the COB strip into the extrusion channel easily. the COB strip can be cut every 50mm and the intensity of the light can be adjusted too.
The first two strips I ordered from different stores on Aiexpress made me disappointed and I almost gave up. Eventually, I found a reliable store that sold quality COB strips. I chose from product listing options: 6000K Cool White + 24v 360 LEDs + 2 meters. The strips came well packaged, met the specifications, and gave the feeling that this is indeed a high-quality COB strip.
I cut the COB strip according to the marking, (every 50mm) to the appropriate length with scissors and soldered two 26AWG wires. If you do not want or can't solder, you can use this fast connector (choose the "For 8 mm PCB" option). I then threaded the stip easily into the upper aluminum extrusion channels. The electrical wires can be connected in 2 ways:
Direct connection to a 24V PSU
Duet Fan output - If you choose to connect the COB to a fan outlet, you will be able to control the COB strip intensity by using a slider in the duet's control panel.
In my case, I'm using Fysetc amazing Duet 3 6HC board. so I had to define the lights as a FAN output by adding this line to the Config.g file: M950 F2 C"out9" Q500 M106 P2 S0.2 H-1 C"Lights"
Then I connected the COB LED's strip wires to OUT9 port on the Duet3 6HC board.
I am very pleased with the end result, the lighting is very efficient, looks good and I have the ability to control the intensity of the lighting through the panel. I could not have asked for anything better. I very much hope this will help those of you who want to add lighting to your printer.

Well, at first I used cheap Chinese mgn12H rails from Aliexpress cost 18$ each.
After buying from 4 different Aliexpress sellers I found the best cheap rails sold here, at "CNA Mechanical Parts Store" store.
The block is sliding smoothly without the need to clean it. Wonderful rails, highly recommended if you are looking for a cheap solution. However, if you are looking for higher quality rails you have the HIWIN linear rails kit from Blurolls, They are not that expensive, yet very very good!
Please be careful and DO NOT buy rails from: "RDC Official Store" nor "linkcnc Store" at Aliexpress. "linkcnc Store" sold me an awful rail that was used, damaged, and shorter than what I ordered. even after cleaning and lubricating it was still stuck and jammed "RDC Official Store" started to ship mgn blocks with non-mgn standard size, so I can no longer recommend him.
Cleaning and lubricating
notice that the mgn rails you'll get will not be smooth as they should be.
at the factory, they lubricate it with a protecting oil that needs to be cleaned away. There are some videos on YouTube showing how to clean the carriage with WD-40.
Don't forget after cleaning both rails and carriage to lubricate it with sewing machine oil or Teflon silicone grease.
As for smoothness: Please ignore the method for testing smoothness by tilting the rail - it's wrong! You want it to be smooth but not too much.
Also, since its miniature rails, please don't use too thick grease for lubrication.
Cleaning mgn12H carriage video:
it's a pretty good video. just use a container in order not to lose steel balls
note: after assembling all steel balls, you will be left with empty space of one steel ball.
fixing the mgn rails can be very frustrating. it needs to be perfectly aligned and straight. else, it will give you a headache, so don't start this project without tons of patience.
Gravity test - NO!
Please dont test the rails with the well known "gravity test" where the rail is tilted and the carriage slides down. The test doesn't really indicate if the rails is good. According to the gravity test a track with excessive free play will pass the test easily - but will fail on every printing quality test. Also, the tolerance rating of the rail determines the level of friction of the carriage with the rail itself.